Thursday, 27 February 2014

Filming Day 4- Beginning Scene/ Argument

I created a memory box for a prop in my video to explain the background of the story. To show the audience that she has had a previous love but that’s over now.
It’s just a quick introduction for the audience to let them know what has happened in the past, and what is happening since then. I put in the box objects that meant something to their relationship, types or memories, but she is now closing them away and leaving them behind.  This is going to be expressed through the use of editing. I am going to get her to rip up and old picture of her and her ex-boyfriend and then edit that she’s putting it back together but it’s a picture of her and her new boyfriend. This is to display to the audience that she has moved on and now has another boyfriend who makes her very happy, as represented in the video. She is also going to UN-ravel  a piece of paper, which will read a note from her ex saying it’s over. Little things like this just quickly tell a story to the audience so then we can quickly move on throughout the video.

I took over the shoulder shots, mid shots, and did fast pass editing, to link with the genre conventions. Below I have taken some screen shots to show my type of editing for this scene. The first shot the box lid is on, and then the second shot, the box lid is off, and again in the last 2 shots. The card is closed and then it jumps and the card is open. Quick cuts like this are what my editing is going to be like throughout my media text. 

Argument Scenes

When filming the arguments this was probably one of the most challenging. Although I think I pulled it off quite well.  On various days of filming I took a lot of footage and then edited bits where they didn't look very happy and the lighting was dark. Furthermore I included shots where they were getting further apart in shot, distance shots and long shots ect. I also included single close ups of them to emphasis their emotion and feelings. This engages the audience so they understand and can connect with the couple on how they are feeling. 
I got them to argue but I didn't want it to be to set up as it would look fake and that is not what I want. I want it to be believable, so i got them to talk about something that annoys them, which is how I got all the angry and annoyed facial expressions. 

On this shot it is a long shot and I zoom out on it. This is tho emphasis that they are growing apart and it represents the distance they are becoming. Furthermore the lighting is quite gloomy, which could link with the emotion they are both feeling. 

Here is another shot of them being distanced away from each other. I got her to walk away from him and I edited it in slow motion and held the shot when he was on his own. This is to represent that he is alone and to focus more on the shot itself on what is happening, making the audience think.

The lighting is this shot is quite dark and there facial expressions say a lot about what is going to happen. Even the clothing they are both wearing represents their mood, gloomy and unhappy. I captured a few shots like this to emphasis what is happening, so the audience have a good understanding. 

I have still kept the editing quite fast passed but the mood changes quite quickly, showing that they are not so happy after all.  

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