The audience that I am targeting at
is teenagers as they are the main target audience which use
all different types of media such as music, music videos, films, apps etc. And
therefore this makes them the most popular target audience to aim at in the
whole media industry. Therefore I would make lots of hits and sells from this
as this audience range are the main ones who use all different types of media.
Furthermore my genre of music, House music, is listened to by mainly teenagers.
Additionally this type of music is what is played at parties, clubs and festivals,
which all aims at the age category. From this it creates more of a bigger audience as for example if a club plays my song, hundreds of people at once are going to listen to it and it be promoted. Other examples of media use is web 2.0, the internet. YouTube is a main example for viewing music as that is where majority of people listen to their music as it is free. Furthermore things like the iTunes store not only sells music but gives you a snippet of the song. This can entice the audience to buy it as they listen to it first and then can download it. The audience for all these social media are mainly the teenagers category as it came around in their generation so therefore they are going to grow up with it. Where as for the older generation it has only come about in the last 20/30 years or so, so they find it more difficult to work and pick up. Unlike these youngsters.
Teenagers are the main target audience
for majority of media concepts e.g: music, social networking. Music
genres of today are mainly aimed at the audience teenagers as they are the mas
audience when it comes to media. This is because the media aims the music and
social networking at them. For example the genre pop music is aimed at the
audience teenagers from the use of mise en scene, lyrics, music videos and
where it is advertised. The artist Jessie J is a massive pop artist who is
advertised in pop magazines. This is a genre convention for pop as a pop artist
is being represented in a pop magazine. Furthermore the only audience for
pop magazines is aimed at teenagers and possibly
a bit younger. The songs are mainly based upon love or finding it or losing it.
All other genres conventions link into this type of audience and this is just
shown from the layout, use of colour, imagery and typography.